
Things That Seem Illegal But Aren’t

Things That Seem Illegal But Aren’t

Do you ever feel guilty doing certain things just because it makes you feel some way, and has a subconscious effect that conditions you to feel guilt?

Yeah, don’t feel like a criminal. It happens, but the good news is that these things aren’t illegal. Here are a number of things that aren’t illegal but seem so

1. Staring at a stranger

staring at a stranger

2. Eating while walking

eating while walking

3. Going into a supermarket without buying anything

4. Using the restroom of a bank without the intent of banking with them

Banking hall

5. Farting in public

Farting in public (Illegal)

6. Overtaking a convoy

Overtaking a convoy

7. Bringing food into the movie theater

Bringing food into the movie theater

8. Filming people in public

Filming people in public

9. Swearing in front of children

Swearing in front of a child

10. Lock-picking your own house

Lock-picking your own house

11. Opening a drink at a store before paying for it (illegal)

Opening a drink

12. Turning right on Red

Turning right on Red

13. Recording a conversation

Recording a conversation (illegal)

14. Driving barefooted

Things That Seem Illegal But Aren’t

15. Sleeping in church (Illegal)

16. Not using a deodorant (illegal)

not using deodorant (illegal)

17. Entering Danfo without change (illegal)

Danfo (illegal)

Check out more interesting lists here.

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Written by Eniola Lasaki

I’m a resourceful creative writer who is constantly in pursuit of knowledge. I pique interest in Entertainment, fashion and lifestyle. When I’m not working, I’m most definitely busy catching up with friends and family.