Do you ever feel guilty doing certain things just because it makes you feel some way, and has a subconscious effect that conditions you to feel guilt?
Yeah, don’t feel like a criminal. It happens, but the good news is that these things aren’t illegal. Here are a number of things that aren’t illegal but seem so
1. Staring at a stranger
2. Eating while walking
3. Going into a supermarket without buying anything
4. Using the restroom of a bank without the intent of banking with them
5. Farting in public
6. Overtaking a convoy
7. Bringing food into the movie theater
8. Filming people in public
9. Swearing in front of children
10. Lock-picking your own house
11. Opening a drink at a store before paying for it (illegal)
12. Turning right on Red
13. Recording a conversation
14. Driving barefooted
15. Sleeping in church (Illegal)
16. Not using a deodorant (illegal)
17. Entering Danfo without change (illegal)
Check out more interesting lists here.