
How To Handle Nosy Relatives This Christmas – A Guide

The holiday season—a time for joy, festivities, and, of course, the inevitable barrage of nosy questions from relatives and family friends. Aunty Amaka, with her peculiar-smelling wrapper, or Uncle Steve fresh from abroad, armed with inquiries about your personal life and achievements. We all have that one person whose questions we’d rather avoid. Fear not; it’s time to arm yourself with wit and humor. Here’s your guide on how to gracefully handle those nosy questions this festive season.

  1. What is Your GPA?

A classic inquiry, often delivered with an air of expectation. Instead of delving into the intricacies of your academic performance, disarm the question with a touch of humor.

Witty Response: “Ah, Aunty, you know the GPA is in God’s hands!.”

This response not only adds a sprinkle of humor but also gently steers away from divulging specific details about your grades.

  1. What Do You Do for Work?

A common question that often comes with a hint of judgment or comparison. Turn the tables with a response that reflects your commitment and confidence.

Witty Response: “Oh, Aunty, I do my best!”

This response communicates a positive attitude towards work without getting into the nitty-gritty of job specifics.

  1. Have You Finished School?

The question that may make you feel like you’re being assessed on a life checklist. Keep it light and breezy with an answer that adds a touch of humor.

Witty Response: “School? Well, Aunty, last time I checked, it’s not in the Bible?”

This response injects a playful note while gently deflecting from the pressure associated with finishing school.

  1. You’re Getting Fatter, O:

The classic comment on physical appearance that often makes the rounds during family gatherings. Respond with humor and a touch of self-deprecation.

Witty Response: “Ah, Aunty, you noticed? I’m just trying to be like you, you know, embracing the fullness of life and all its joys! Besides, it’s the festive season; a little extra cheer is allowed, right?”

This response not only diffuses any potential discomfort but also adds a festive spin to the comment about your appearance.

In essence, handling nosy questions during the holiday season is an art—a delicate dance between humor, deflection, and a touch of self-confidence. As you navigate these interactions, remember that it’s okay to keep certain aspects of your life private. So, armed with these witty responses, go forth and tackle those intrusive questions with grace and a smile. After all, the holidays are meant for joy, not interrogations!

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Written by Ekene Aka

I have been writing professionally and personally for over four years. Professionally, i have worked as a content writer, creating blog posts, articles, product descriptions, website copy, and social media posts. Personally, they focus on creative writing, including short stories, poems, and a novel. I enjoy exploring different genres and writing styles.

One of my notable achievements was winning first place in a university writing competition for a short story, which boosted my confidence and encouraged me to continue writing. Overall, my experience as a writer has helped me develop a strong writing style and skills in various formats. I'm passionate about writing and geography, and I'm also committed to continuous improvement and growth as a writer.