
Must-know Life Hacks

Must-know Life Hacks

This life is hard enough, so if you can find ways to have a smoother run and have more time to chop the life of your head, why not? That is why I’m doing the lord’s work and bringing you some very useful lifehacks.

1. For whenever pepper gets into your eyes, lick salt; you’ll be relieved no matter how hot the pepper is.

2. Always embrace your achievements. Every win is a win, whether big or small.

3. Always trust your instincts

4. Prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to friendships and relationships.

5. If you don’t live with your parents, call them every 3 days. Do the same with your siblings. Set a reminder if you have to.

6. If you put clothes in the washing machine and it colors other items, rewash the colored items with salt and everything will wash out.

washing machine

7. After using your blender, add soap and water, and then “blend” together. It cleans it faster.

8. Give your parents any earnings you make. If they refuse to accept money from you, get them a thoughtful present instead. No matter how little.

9. Pay attention to the smell of your home when you return from a trip – that’s what it smells like to guests all the time. Your nose just got used to

10. Always make a list of what to buy if you’re going shopping, it helps with prioritizing and budgeting.

11. Practice gratitude daily to boost your overall happiness and well-being.

12. Buy the highest quality you can afford; cheap items will cost you more in the long run.

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Written by Eniola Lasaki

I’m a resourceful creative writer who is constantly in pursuit of knowledge. I pique interest in Entertainment, fashion and lifestyle. When I’m not working, I’m most definitely busy catching up with friends and family.