
Plantain Addicts Unite: 12 Things We Get About Our Beloved Fruit

Fellow plantain lover! ? If you’ve ever wondered if your obsession with this amazing fruit goes beyond the norm, you’re in good company. Here are 12 telltale signs that you and plantains are a match made in food heaven:

1. Distinguishing Plantain from Banana: You’ve got this down, and you’re not about to mix up the green, slightly tough plantain with its sweeter, softer cousin, the banana. One’s for cooking, the other for snacking.

2. Understanding Plantain Ripeness: The color of the skin is your ripeness roadmap. Green for frying, yellow for that sweet spot, and black for the ultimate sweetness. You know the right stage for every plantain craving.

3. Having a Favorite Plantain Dish: Your heart belongs to a particular plantain dish. Maybe it’s the irresistible spiciness of kelewele, the comforting warmth of tatale, or the delicious combo of plantains and beans. You can’t resist your favorite.

4. Making Plantain Complement Anything: Plantains aren’t just side dishes; they’re the stars that shine in any culinary constellation. Meat, fish, eggs, or chocolate – they all play nice with plantains, and you’re the matchmaker.

5. Mastering the Art of Peeling: You’ve turned plantain peeling into a skillful art form. A knife, a fork, a spoon, or even a peeler – you’ve got your secret weapon to peel without a hitch, avoiding any waste or kitchen accidents.

6. Proper Plantain Storage: You know how to keep your precious plantains safe from spoiling. Away from direct sunlight, in a cool, dry place, and you fend off any pesky insects that might want a taste.

7. Harnessing Plantain’s Healing Properties: You’re not just a chef; you’re a plantain apothecary. From wounds to acne, plantain is your go-to remedy. Salves, balms, tinctures, or poultices – you’ve got it covered.

8. Possessing a Coveted Plantain Recipe: There’s that one plantain dish, a hidden gem in your family cookbook, or a creation of your own making, that you consider a culinary masterpiece. You’re convinced it’s the best thing ever.

9. Enjoying Plantain Anytime: Morning, noon, or night, plantains are fair game. You’re not bound by meal conventions. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks – plantains can do it all, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.

10. Multilingual Plantain Enthusiast: You speak the language of plantains in all Nigerian dialects. Whether it’s “plantin,” “dodo,” “Ayaba,” or “Ogede,” you’re fluent in the rich terminology of plantain.

11. Plantain-Inspired Songs and Jokes: Plantains aren’t just delicious; they’re a source of humor and music in your life. You’ve got a repertoire of plantain-themed jokes and catchy tunes that never fail to amuse.

12. Profound Love for Plantain: You’re not just a casual fan; you’re in a committed relationship with plantains. Their aroma, appearance, taste, and texture are your daily source of joy. Life without plantains? Unthinkable.

So, if you recognize yourself in these 12 points, wear your plantain-loving badge with pride. Your love for plantains is more than just a craving; it’s a deep-seated passion that enriches your life and connects you to a rich culinary tradition. Celebrate your plantain enthusiasm with every bite! ???

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Written by Ekene Aka

I have been writing professionally and personally for over four years. Professionally, i have worked as a content writer, creating blog posts, articles, product descriptions, website copy, and social media posts. Personally, they focus on creative writing, including short stories, poems, and a novel. I enjoy exploring different genres and writing styles.

One of my notable achievements was winning first place in a university writing competition for a short story, which boosted my confidence and encouraged me to continue writing. Overall, my experience as a writer has helped me develop a strong writing style and skills in various formats. I'm passionate about writing and geography, and I'm also committed to continuous improvement and growth as a writer.