
Forget Bae, Grab Your Besties: Why Squad Goals Are the New Relationship Status

Let’s talk real. In a world obsessed with #couplegoals and romantic drama, we gotta celebrate another kind of love – the squad love. You know, those ride-or-die peeps who make you laugh harder than any crush ever could, who stick by you thicker than pounded yam, and whose memes you share faster than free data runs out. 

Think about it: bae might come and go (hopefully after paying the suya bill, though), but your squad? They’re like your chosen family, the ones who witness your glow-ups and meltdowns, and still love you through it all. They’re the hype squad at your gigs, the shoulder to cry on after that epic exam fail, and the ones who remind you that you’re fire, even when you feel like a damp akara.

So, this year, let’s ditch the relationship drama and embrace the squad goals. Here’s why:

  1. Squads are good for your mental health: Having a solid crew who supports you, no matter what, boosts your confidence and makes you feel seen. They’re your cheerleaders, your therapists, and your personal meme bank, all rolled into one. 

  1. Squad adventures are the best adventures: From late-night suya runs to spontaneous road trips, your squad is always down for a good time. You create memories that’ll make you laugh until your sides hurt, and stories that’ll become legendary in your friend group.

  1. Squad goals are achievable: Unlike those picture-perfect couples on Instagram, your squad goals don’t involve unrealistic expectations or expensive trips to Paris. It’s about celebrating the small wins, the inside jokes, and the late-night talks that make you feel like you belong.

  1. Squads teach you about love: Real, unconditional love. The kind that doesn’t depend on hearts and flowers, but on shared laughter, bad puns, and unwavering support. You learn to celebrate each other’s differences, forgive each other’s mistakes, and build a bond that’s stronger than any Insta-worthy couple.

So, this year, let’s make #squadgoals the new relationship status. Text your besties, plan that long-awaited movie night, and show the world that friendship is the real MVP. Remember, bae might come and go, but your squad? They’re forever. Now go out there and slay, kings and queens of the squad!

Let’s keep the squad love alive! ✊

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Written by Ekene Aka

I have been writing professionally and personally for over four years. Professionally, i have worked as a content writer, creating blog posts, articles, product descriptions, website copy, and social media posts. Personally, they focus on creative writing, including short stories, poems, and a novel. I enjoy exploring different genres and writing styles.

One of my notable achievements was winning first place in a university writing competition for a short story, which boosted my confidence and encouraged me to continue writing. Overall, my experience as a writer has helped me develop a strong writing style and skills in various formats. I'm passionate about writing and geography, and I'm also committed to continuous improvement and growth as a writer.