
Must-know Life Hacks (PT 2)

Must-know Life Hacks (PT 2)

This life is hard enough, so if you can find ways to have a smoother run and have more time to chop the life of your head, why not? That is why I’m doing the lord’s work and bringing you useful lifehacks.

1. If you use a bidet, you’ll never have to worry about running out of tissue paper during a global pandemic. And it feels and cleans better.

2. No one knows what they’re doing. Also, No one knows what you are thinking, so you might as well be honest with yourself.

3. Don’t discuss politics at work except you are a politician and it’s your job to share input.

4. You don’t need to keep in contact with your family or friends. If a relationship with them makes you sad, you can cut them out. Their failures or shortcomings aren’t yours.

5. The seatbelt in your car can be used as a bottle opener.

6. When in a group of people and they start laughing, see who looks at each other. People look at the people they like, admire or feel closest to when laughing.

7. If you are not conventionally attractive, get good at grooming. Being clean, smelling good, and looking good. Staying well-groomed can take you from a 1 to a 5. The most unattractive people out there are the ones who don’t wash, smell funky, and wear ill-fitting clothes.

Good grooming

8. Don’t buy things you can’t afford to buy again 3 – 5x if immediately damaged or stolen. If you can’t afford to buy it twice, you can’t afford it.

9. Research statistics before making critical business decisions. Saves you from bad decisions.

10. Always poop on company time. This way, at the end of the year, you will have earned like 2 workdays pay by pooping. Hence you will be a professional pooper and also less money spent on toilet paper at home.

11. If there’s a jar or container you can’t open, run the lid under hot water for a 30sec. Dry it so you can get a good grip, then open it. Works all the time

12. Putting your Oreos and cocoa-based products in the fridge makes them taste far better than at room temperature.

For part one, see link here.

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Written by Eniola Lasaki

I’m a resourceful creative writer who is constantly in pursuit of knowledge. I pique interest in Entertainment, fashion and lifestyle. When I’m not working, I’m most definitely busy catching up with friends and family.