
How to ruin valentine for oversabi lovers : A hater’s guide

For all my singlets that have no Valentine plans because they’re single af and bitter about it. Here are some tips to even the odds out. ?

1. Comment on their cute valentine pictures and pretend to be one of them’s side chick or bobo.

2. Crash their romantic dinner with a child and pretend one of them owns it

3. Disguise as a waiter at restaurants and replace their love notes with breakup notes

4. Find the car the couples are driving out and remove all the tyres

5. For the ones doing home dates, cut their transformer ?

You see the energy you want to use to do these things? If you put it into your love life, we wouldn’t be here. Do better next year ?

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Written by Tunmise Olasokan

Creative writer from 9-5, but an Idan 24/7.